Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Chocolate Peanutbutter Pie (gluten free!)

This pie is so easy and delicious. It honestly can be ready in 20 minutes. If you want to cheat and buy a pre-made crust, some of the graham cracker ones at the grocery are vegan. However, the one below is super easy to make and gluten free!

Here I am making it, seven months pregnant and dying to lick the spoon:

For the crust:
1 & 1/2 cups of almond flour or meal
1/4 t sea salt
1/4 t baking soda
2 T agave
1/4 c neutral oil (like grapeseed or canola)

To make the crust:
Mix everything in a food processor until combined. Press with wet hands into a 9" greased pie plate. Bake at 325 degrees for about 12 minutes (until golden and aromatic).

For the chocolate pudding:
1 can full-fat coconut milk
2 T arrowroot (or corn starch)
1/4 t salt
1-2 T agave (depends on how sweet you want it)
1/2 t vanilla
1 c dark chocolate chips

To make the chocolate pudding:
Boil coconut milk and salt over medium high heat in a heavy bottomed sauce pan. Once at a rolling boil, add arrowroot and whisk a bunch for about 2 minutes until thick. Add in agave and vanilla and stir just to incorporate. Take it off the heat. Let it sit (to stop boiling) for a minute or two. Toss in the chocolate chips, whisk to melt them fully and combine them. Let cool in fridge.

For the peanut butter fudge:
3/4 cup natural peanut butter
1/4 cup powdered sugar

To make the peanut butter fudge:
Melt peanut butter (the kind with no sugar!) over medium heat in a heavy bottomed sauce pan. Add powdered sugar and stir well to incorporate. This is basically the lazy person's fudge.

Putting it all together!
Take your cooled (or cool-ish) pie crust. Spread the peanut butter fudge all over the bottom. Pour the chocolate pudding on top. Sprinkle on some nuts, chocolate, pickles, whatever your fancy. Chill 4+ hours (over night is ideal). Slice, eat, repeat!

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